

This website contains stuff on maths, research and divine truth.

  • the "me" page gives some background to my career.
  • The maths teaching webpage contains full notes on various topics suitable for A-level and 1st year courses. I have also included (or will include) an extensive set of fully worked examples based on the notes.
    I also include links to other peoples' notes or teaching videos on maths, as well as link to various graphical and calculating software.
  • the "book a session" page gives information about the A-level maths tutorial sessions you can book with me.
  • The research webpage I where will include a 3-4 papers I wrote when I was an active researcher. The papers relate to the discipline of mathematics education and focus on how to support people in how to learn to read mathematics more meaningfully.
  • The main aspect of the divine truth part of this site is a link to a website created by AJ and Mary who present a very large amount of information about how to develop a personal relationship with God. There are 100s or hours of videos as well as texts on their website, all of which is free to download.
    I have also included a few direct links to other parts of their website just to make it easier to access some of the information, as well as to illustrate what is available on their website.
    One important part of this webpage contains the real prayer that Jesus gave in the 1st century, and which was channeled to James Padgett about 100 years ago.

If there is something else you would like to have access to from this website, or something else you think would be valuable here, you can contact me here.


All the best.

